Average House Prices by Zip Code in California

  1. California house prices
  2. Average house prices in California
  3. Average house prices by zip code in California

Are you interested in learning about average house prices by zip code in California? If so, you've come to the right place! In this article, we'll provide an overview of the current housing market in California, highlighting average house prices by zip code and discussing key trends in the market. We'll also discuss how California's housing market compares to other states and provide tips on how to get the best value when looking for a new home. So, read on to learn more about average house prices by zip code in California!House prices in California are largely influenced by the local economy, job market, and quality of life. For example, areas with strong job opportunities, such as Silicon Valley, tend to be more expensive than other parts of the state.

Additionally, areas with higher-quality amenities and services can also be more expensive than those without these features. For a more detailed look at average house prices in California, let’s explore some of the most expensive zip codes. In Los Angeles County, the 90210 zip code has the highest median home price at $2,428,000. This zip code is located in Beverly Hills and is known for its luxurious homes and upscale lifestyle. Other expensive zip codes include 94558 in Marin County ($1,860,000), 92660 in Orange County ($1,800,000), and 94027 in San Mateo County ($1,795,000).The least expensive zip codes in California are mostly located in rural areas where there are fewer job opportunities and amenities.

These zip codes tend to have a lower cost of living and lower median home prices. For example, the 93517 zip code in Kern County has a median home price of $105,000, while the 92346 zip code in San Bernardino County has a median home price of $115,000. In addition to location, there are many other factors that can influence home prices. These include property taxes, access to public transportation, crime rates, school ratings, and more. Knowing how these factors can affect home prices can help you make an informed decision when considering buying or selling a home in California.

Factors that Influence Home Prices

When considering buying or selling a home in California, it's important to understand some of the factors that can influence house prices.

These include the location of the property, its size and condition, as well as the overall market conditions.


- Location is one of the most important factors in determining house prices in California. Homes located in desirable neighborhoods typically have higher prices than those located in less desirable areas. Additionally, certain zip codes may be more desirable than others and therefore have higher home prices.

Size and Condition

- The size of a home also plays an important role in determining its price.

Homes that are larger will generally cost more than smaller homes. Additionally, the condition of the home can have an impact on the price. Homes that are in good condition will typically be more expensive than those that need repairs.

Market Conditions

- The overall market conditions can also affect house prices in California. If there is high demand for housing, prices may be higher than they would be if there was less demand.

Conversely, if there is a surplus of homes for sale, prices may be lower than they would be with fewer homes for sale. It is important to consider current market conditions before buying or selling a home.

Least Expensive Zip Codes

When looking for the least expensive zip codes in California, you'll find that these are mostly located in rural areas with fewer job opportunities and amenities. These places lack the economic growth of larger cities, which means the cost of living is much lower. This translates to lower house prices.

In places like Shasta County, for example, the median home price was just $154,000 in 2019. In Fresno County, it was $245,000. As you move further away from urban centers, you can expect to see median home prices decrease. In addition to the job market, there are other factors that can influence house prices in a particular area. For example, school districts can play an important role in pricing.

If a zip code is within a good school district, it will likely have higher house prices than one without. The same is true of crime rates. Areas with high crime rates tend to have lower housing prices than those with low crime rates.


, the least expensive zip codes in California are those located in rural areas with fewer job opportunities and amenities.

These areas tend to have lower median home prices than those closer to larger urban centers. It's important to consider these factors when researching average house prices by zip code in California.

Most Expensive Zip Codes

The most expensive zip code in California is located in Los Angeles County: 90210. The median home price in this zip code is $2,428,000, which is much higher than the state average. The second most expensive zip code is also located in Los Angeles County: 90067. This zip code has a median home price of $1,921,000, which is still significantly higher than the state average. These two zip codes are the most expensive in the state, but there are other zip codes that have high median home prices. In Marin County, 94939 has a median home price of $1,791,000. In San Mateo County, 94027 has a median home price of $1,715,000.

In Santa Barbara County, 93108 has a median home price of $1,638,000. California is known for its expensive housing market, and these zip codes reflect that trend. Factors such as location, proximity to amenities, and access to services can all influence house prices in different areas of California. When it comes to buying or selling a home in California, it’s important to understand the factors that can influence house prices. Location, size, amenities, and market trends are all important factors that will determine the value of a home. Knowing the average house prices by zip code can help you compare different areas and make an informed decision when considering buying or selling a home in the Golden State. The most expensive zip codes in California vary from city to city, however some of the highest average house prices can be found in affluent neighborhoods such as Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Malibu.

On the other hand, some of the least expensive zip codes can be found in more rural areas such as Stockton and Fresno.

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